Handypiece has multiple uses: Cow tail clipping, crutching sheep, and more!

The versatile Handypiece can be used on farms and lifestyle blocks large or small. Portable and easily-charged, the many benefits of these electric sheep shears quickly become obvious when shearing, dagging and crutching sheep, and cow tail clipping. It really is a farmer’s best friend…
Great for both the lifestyle block and large farm

Specifically designed for crutching or dagging up a race, Handypiece is also popular with people specialising in shearing lifestyle blocks. Satisfied customers tell us that Handypiece has surpassed any competitor's products - and that once you've used Handypiece, you'll not use anything else. It's portability, multiple uses, and ease of recharging ensure the Handypiece is second-to-none. Farmers, vets, and shearing contractors - everyone can quickly find a use for Handypiece.
Stress free farming: Save your strength, and the quality of your animals

Perfect for shearing alpaca. In the past shearers have had to use traditional wide bodied electric clippers as they preferred the slower cutter speed to cut the alpaca fibre. Now with the variable speed of the Handypiece Pro it is a proven machine to suit all.
Handypiece’s battery power ensures portability and convenience. And with it on hand, you can swiftly deal with the unexpected - fly-blown sheep, for example. Cleaning lambs before they head to the works can be easy and stress-free. Gone are the risks of animals being bruised when dragged across the shearing board. For the farmer on their own, it’s simply a case of pushing the lambs up the drenching race, following behind them, and attending only to the ones that need cleaning. It lessens the likelihood of you suffering from back-related and other strain whilst attending to animals.
Can be used on cows as well as sheep!

Handypiece is tested and proven as a successful tool for trimming cows’ tails. Its lightweight yet robust design makes it ideal for clipping – with its portability ensuring ease of manoeuvrability with the task at hand. It can be used in a herring-bone shed, with the battery pack, as well as in modern rotary sheds which can utilise our 240v/12v converter. It certainly beats scissors and it enables the tails to stay cleaner because it will be a job that is easy to do more often.
And can be used on deer as well as sheep

In addition to its popularity with farmers, it is also used by vets and farmers testing deer for TB. It is, they’ve found, much quieter than other clippers when being operated. With Handypiece, the animals are less unsettled when being tested – resulting in less stress or risk of injury to themselves and to the vets.